About PoSH Act
The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013 is a legislative act in India that seeks to protect women from sexual harassment at their place of work. All organisations with more than 10 employees, need to be compliant to this Act.
For more details read:
- Avoid impact on company’s credibility arising out of non-compliance to the Act
- Provide a better and safer work culture among employees
- Failure to comply may lead to a fine up to INR50,000 and further consequences.
- Create: Sexual Harassment Policy in compliance with the Act.
Setup: Internal Committee (IC) as per guidelines and should be empowered to prevent and redress complaints. - Awareness: Training for Employees, Managers, IC members – Awareness on the Act, Complaints and Redressal mechanisms.
- Display – Posters in conspicuous places to be displayed at all branches
- Report – Statutory Annual reporting of the cases filed and action taken should be reported to the concerned authorities.
- Create a safer workplace and a positive work culture
- Enhances the productivity among your employees.
- Safeguards your brand
- Protect you from legal implications
About Kelp
Kelp has been in the field of creating safe, happy and inclusive workplaces since 2013.
We have worked 800+ clients across India. We have trained more than 2 lakh employees across India in the last 10 years. Please visit https://www.kelphr.com/our-happy-clients-kelphr.html for client related information.
Our subject matter expert will reach out to you for customisation and customised version will be delivered to you over email.
External member will help you share industry best practices to prevent sexual harassment. They will also help you to handle inquiry of complaints and in case report writing.

About Training
There are 3 types of learning. Classroom sessions, Online interactive sessions and eLearning modules. Customer can chose the product based on their need.
Trainers are Kelp empanelled, subject matter experts with more than 12 years of experience each.
Once the product is bought, our team will contact you directly and arrange a day for classroom session where Kelp member will be in person at the location for the session. Online session will be conducted through video conference and employees across different locations can join the call.
Role play, Case scenario based Games and activities will be part of the session.
Employee and managers session can be for 1 hour or 3 hrs based on the package and can be customised to suit the business needs. Internal committee sessions are for 6 hours to 8 hours.
Yes, we do train the committee members as well. Write to us at info@kelphr.com or call +91-9500129652