We simplify the understanding of the PoSH law, help in end-to-end implementation in workplaces and ensure organizations are PoSH Law compliant as per the Government regulations in line with the Sexual Harassment at Workplaces (Prevention, Prohibition & Redressal) Act 2013.
Every organization has an ethical obligation to maintain a safe workplace for all its employees. With the PoSH Act of 2013 coming in, compliance has to be ensured as well.
However, navigating the legal framework and managing the practical aspects of implementation at the same time could be challenging for any organisation. This is where Kelp steps in. Our endeavour is to simplify the provisions of the Act for your understanding and partner with you in its end-to-end implementation.
With Kelp, the partnership extends beyond just compliance. We help you in maturing your PoSH practice by establishing best practices gained over years of PoSH advisory experience. It will be a journey that will establish your organisation as one of the safest workplaces in the country – an award-winning workplace that you can be proud of.

Our flagship product PoSH comprises of a basket of services to prevent and redress sexual harassment, designed to keep your organization complaint to Government regulations mentioned in the POSH law of 2013.
We have a three-pronged approach to transform your organization into a Sexual Harassment free Workplace or one that is PoSH compliant.


Sensitisation & Skill Building Training

Complaint/Case Handling
Compliance documentation consists of
Policy Design and Review
The policy for ‘prevention of sexual harassment at the workplace’ (the ‘PoSH policy’) is the main document in compliance. It sets out the rights, roles and responsibilities of the various stakeholders. Your organisation will receive simple and clearly worded documentation, which has a sensitive approach to the subject and checks all the legal boxes. Any existing policy of your organisation will be thoroughly reviewed from time to time with comprehensive ongoing support to address any concerns
Formation of Internal Committee
The PoSH law makes it mandatory for an organization to form a committee that is entrusted with prevention, prohibition and redressal of sexual harassment. This committee can act on complaints of sexual harassment internally, with the powers of a civil court. It is a great power and an equally great responsibility. So where do you start? Who do you pick? How do you train them? Kelp has you covered.

Annual Report Filing
At the end of every calendar year, your organization must file an annual report with the relevant district authority with details regarding the workings of the Internal Committee and sexual harassment cases handled during the year. We assist with the filing of comprehensive annual reports in a timely manner.
Annual Report Filing
At the end of every calendar year, your organization must file an annual report with the relevant district authority with details regarding the workings of the Internal Committee and sexual harassment cases handled during the year. We assist with the filing of comprehensive annual reports in a timely manner.

Audits and Assessments
Kelp’s diagnostic is designed to help you assess the steps your organization is taking to create a safe workplace in the context of the Prevention of Sexual Harassment (PoSH) Act, 2013.
If you are an individual employed in India, click here to take the diagnostic.
If you are in a leadership position, part of the HR function or are responsible for safety and compliance in your workplace, click here to take the diagnostic.
KelpHR can conduct training sessions at all levels of your organization
Employee level
The Act mandates that every employee in the organization needs to be trained in the sexual harassment topic
Manager level
Your people managers are your weakest and strongest links, so it is in the best interest of your organization to strengthen their understanding of PoSH. We deliver a specially curated session that ensures your people managers are trained enough to identify sexual harassment and know when and where to report it.

Internal committee (IC) training
A deep dive training of 8 hours to a 2-days workshop to equip the internal committee (IC) to receive, evaluate and handle sexual harassment complaints as directed by the PoSH Act.
The IC is a quasi-Judicial body with the powers of a civil court but consists of normal people like you and me who have been elevated to the position of a judge. With great power comes great responsibility. So, it is extremely critical that the IC is guided sufficiently on navigating the powers and responsibilities that come with handling a case of sexual harassment.
Our IC training sessions are a deep dive that provides specialized training for members of the Internal Committee which are a how-to for: investigating complaints, gathering evidence, drawing conclusions and finally report writing.
The ASH eLearning module by KelpHR not only served its purpose as an excellent awareness session without bringing in the awkwardness that is otherwise attached to a topic of its kind; it also aligned my audience to the idea of discovering and learning skills through engaging content hosted online. This will aid us in getting more acceptance of making training available via eLearning.
PoSH elearning and online training
Kelp’s comprehensive SCORM compliant online PoSH training and e-learning module helps you know more about the Sexual harassment of Women at the workplace (prevention, prohibition & redressal) Act, 2013, or PoSH Act. The PoSH online / e-learning training module has standard and customized training solutions for all of the following:
- Employees
- Managers
- IC Members
- External parties
More than 250,000 employees across diverse industries have accessed and benefitted from
Kelp’s PoSH online training and e-learning modules.


3rd party External member
The PoSH Act mandates that your Internal Committee (IC) has an independent member, who is not an employee and is suitably well-versed in the areas of the law and women’s welfare. In addition to carrying out committee activities, this person will also help in investigating complaints of sexual harassment. Kelp has a panel of qualified, diligent, insightful and sensitive individuals who are best suited to fulfil the role of an external member for your organization.
All these skill building sessions can be delivered using any of the following methodologies, based on your organization’s need.
We spoil you with enough options to choose from:
- Classroom based in-person trainings/ Webinars to suit work from home scenarios
- Theatre based sessions
- Gamification
- E-learning
Irrespective of the delivery methodology you choose, we guarantee that all our PoSH sessions are interactive, engaging and are aimed at enhancing the learning experience. We use various forms of pedagogy like storytelling, quizzes, role plays, etc.
This PoSH training can also be optimized for time; from basic introductory or refresher sessions of an hour, to an advanced program ranging over 2-3 days touching upon a plethora of aspects. We offer our training modules in multiple languages – English, Hindi, Marathi, Bengali, Gujarati, Tamil, Kannada, Telugu, etc.
We also have an exhaustive e-learning module for PoSH which is up-to-date with the most recent legal developments, and rich with case studies to effectively test one’s understanding. If your organisation is looking for an e-learning module for your employees and managers, you could get in touch with us for a demo session.